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Revista e-Curriculum
Resumo advindo do próprio trabalho: "O texto apresenta fundamentos teórico-metodológicos da pedagogia de Paulo Freire para investigar e desenvolver a formação de educadores, tendo em vista a superação de limitações que impedem a transformação de práticas docentes. Com essa intenção, foi criado um desenho de investigação, com a inspiração da pesquisa-ação, para problematizar e analisar situações-limites vivenciadas pelos participantes, em suas realidades profissionais, tendo em vista a elaboração de propostas que pudessem contribuir para compreender criticamente e superar tais situações. O lócus da pesquisa foi o curso de Mestrado Profissional em Educação: Formação de Formadores, da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP). A possibilidade de utilização do referencial freireano como pesquisa-formação, será ilustrada por meio da discussão dos momentos e fases da invetigação desenvolvida. Os resultados obtidos na pesquisa demonstram: a) o valor e a viabilidade da proposta teórico-metodológica de Freire como um caminho de pesquisa e formação docente; b) a ampliação da compreensão dos sujeitos da pesquisa sobre a formação continuada, na perspectiva da formação permanente freireana; c) movimentos de transformação de formas de pensar e agir dos participantes, com relação à formação docente, evidenciados em sua adesão a novos valores e intenções de mudar suas práticas".
Summary coming from the work itself: "This paper presents theoretical and methodological foundations of Paulo Freire's pedagogy to research and develop the teacher education, with a view to overcoming limitations that prevent the transformation of teaching practices. With this intention, a research design was created with the inspiration of action-research, to discuss and analyze limit-situations experienced by the participants of the research, in their professional realities, aiming to drawing up proposals that could contribute to critically understand and overcome such situations. The locus of the research was a Masters course in Education: Formation of the Teacher Educator at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP). The possibility of using Freire's referential in a “research-teacher education”, will be illustrated through the discussion of the moments and phases of the investigation developed. The results of the research show: a) the value and viability of the theoretical and methodological approach of Freire, as a research path and teacher education action; b) the expansion of the understanding of the participants, about in-service teacher education, from the perspective of Freire's permanent education; c) movements of transformation of the ways of thinking and acting of the participants, with regard to teacher education, evidenced in their adherence to new values and intentions to change their practices".
Summary coming from the work itself: "This paper presents theoretical and methodological foundations of Paulo Freire's pedagogy to research and develop the teacher education, with a view to overcoming limitations that prevent the transformation of teaching practices. With this intention, a research design was created with the inspiration of action-research, to discuss and analyze limit-situations experienced by the participants of the research, in their professional realities, aiming to drawing up proposals that could contribute to critically understand and overcome such situations. The locus of the research was a Masters course in Education: Formation of the Teacher Educator at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP). The possibility of using Freire's referential in a “research-teacher education”, will be illustrated through the discussion of the moments and phases of the investigation developed. The results of the research show: a) the value and viability of the theoretical and methodological approach of Freire, as a research path and teacher education action; b) the expansion of the understanding of the participants, about in-service teacher education, from the perspective of Freire's permanent education; c) movements of transformation of the ways of thinking and acting of the participants, with regard to teacher education, evidenced in their adherence to new values and intentions to change their practices".
Paulo Freire, Metodologia da Investigação Temática, Formação de educadores, Formação permanente, Methodology of thematic investigation, Teacher education, Permanent teacher education
SAUL, Alexandre; GIOVEDI, Valter Martins. A pedagogia de Paulo Freire como referência teórico-metodológica para pesquisar e desenvolver a formação docente. e-Curriculum, São Paulo , v. 14, n. 1, p. 211-233, mar. 2016 . Disponível em <http://educa.fcc.org.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1809-38762016000100211&lng=pt&nrm=iso>. acessos em 7 jan. 2025. https://doi.org/10.23925/1809-3876.2016v14i1p211-233.