Criança, infância e cidadania: diálogos de inspiração em Paulo Freire
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Revista Espaço Pedagógico
Resumo advindo do próprio trabalho: "O presente artigo problematiza a relação criança, infância e cidadania a partir de diálogos de inspiração em Paulo Freire. O intuito é o de apresentar as contribuições da epistemologia desse educador para pensar a constituição da cidadania da infância e a proposição de uma educação infantil cidadã. O diálogo parte dos resultados de uma pesquisa teórica, que investiga nas obras de Freire sua compreensão sobre as crianças, as infâncias e a educação das crianças pequenas. Em seus escritos, Freire denuncia as formas de opressão às quais estão submetidos meninos e meninas e o quanto o processo educativo revela-se autoritário e antidialógico, silenciando, assim, suas vozes. Esse autor defende as crianças como sujeitos de direitos, dentre eles o direito à palavra e à participação, propondo que as instituições de educação infantil se transformem em centros de criatividade, nos quais se ensine e se aprenda com alegria. O estudo conclui que a epistemologia freiriana nos remete à compreensão de que educação, cidadania e infância não são apenas conceitos abstratos, mas dimensões de uma práxis crítica e criativa, que nos possibilita reconhecer as crianças como cidadãs e construir com elas práticas pedagógicas emancipadoras."
Summary coming from the work itself:" This article discusses the relationship between child, childhood and citizenship based on dialogues inspired by Paulo Freire. The aim is to present the contributions of this educator’s epistemology to think about the constitution of childhood citizenship and the proposition of a citizen education. The dialogue starts from the results of a theoretical research that investigates in Freire’s works his understanding about children, childhood and the education of young children. In his writings Freire denounces the forms of oppression to which boys and girls are subjected and how authoritarian and anti-dialogical the educational process is, thus silencing their voices. This author defends children as subjects of rights, including the right to speak and to participate, proposing that early childhood education institutions become centers of creativity in which to teach and learn with joy. The study concludes that Freire’s epistemology leads us to the understanding that education, citizenship and childhood are not only abstract concepts, but dimensions of a critical and creative praxis that enables us to recognize children as citizens and build emancipatory pedagogical practices with them."
Summary coming from the work itself:" This article discusses the relationship between child, childhood and citizenship based on dialogues inspired by Paulo Freire. The aim is to present the contributions of this educator’s epistemology to think about the constitution of childhood citizenship and the proposition of a citizen education. The dialogue starts from the results of a theoretical research that investigates in Freire’s works his understanding about children, childhood and the education of young children. In his writings Freire denounces the forms of oppression to which boys and girls are subjected and how authoritarian and anti-dialogical the educational process is, thus silencing their voices. This author defends children as subjects of rights, including the right to speak and to participate, proposing that early childhood education institutions become centers of creativity in which to teach and learn with joy. The study concludes that Freire’s epistemology leads us to the understanding that education, citizenship and childhood are not only abstract concepts, but dimensions of a critical and creative praxis that enables us to recognize children as citizens and build emancipatory pedagogical practices with them."
Infância, Cidadania, Paulo Freire, Participação, Educação infantil, Childhood, Citizenship, Paulo Freire, Participation, Early childhood education
SILVA, M. R. P. da. Criança, infância e cidadania: diálogo de inspiração em Paulo Freire. Revista Espaço Pedagógico, [S. l.], v. 28, n. 1, p. 359-379, 2021. DOI: 10.5335/rep.v28i1.10088. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 jan. 2025.