Olhar o mundo e ver a criança: ideias e imagens sobre ciclos de vida e círculos de cultura
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Crítica Educativa
Resumo advindo do próprio trabalho: "O objetivo do presente texto dialoga com a recorrência da pesquisa sobre a criança a partir e além da pesquisa socioantropológica, isto é, passando de “atividades de pesquisa”, para uma vivência das relações sala de aulas, escola e escola-e-comunidade, como um exercício permanente e ampliado de criar conhecimentos sobre nós e os outros, através de pequenas múltiplas e diferentes experiências de pesquisas interligadas, integradas e permanentes. Por meio de uma análise crítico-reflexiva o texto destaca a especificidade da cultura infantil e as sensibilidades necessárias ao pesquisador que reconhece que nas interações e vivências se encontram as nucleações necessárias e ponto de partida para a compreensão da leitura de mundo da criança. O presente texto conclui que foi a partir das experiências das pesquisas socioantropológicas, somadas a um crescente diálogo de trocas de experiências entre educadoras, que certos critérios de teor mais criticamente sociais e culturais começaram a ser levados em conta."
Summary coming from the work itself: "This study aims to dialogue with the recurrence of the child research from and beyond the socioanthropological perspective, i.e. from "research activities" to relationship experiences establish in classrooms, schools, and community contexts. This involved a permanent and expanded process to create knowledge of ourselves and others, through small, multiple, and different experiences that are permanent and integrated. Using a critical reflexive analysis, the study highlights the specificity of children's culture and addresses the sensitivities necessary for the researcher who recognizes in these interactions and experiences some essential aspects to understand the child’ world. We conclude, based on the experiences of socio-anthropological research, added to a growing dialogue and exchange of experiences between educators that most critically social and cultural content began to be taken into account in this field."
Summary coming from the work itself: "This study aims to dialogue with the recurrence of the child research from and beyond the socioanthropological perspective, i.e. from "research activities" to relationship experiences establish in classrooms, schools, and community contexts. This involved a permanent and expanded process to create knowledge of ourselves and others, through small, multiple, and different experiences that are permanent and integrated. Using a critical reflexive analysis, the study highlights the specificity of children's culture and addresses the sensitivities necessary for the researcher who recognizes in these interactions and experiences some essential aspects to understand the child’ world. We conclude, based on the experiences of socio-anthropological research, added to a growing dialogue and exchange of experiences between educators that most critically social and cultural content began to be taken into account in this field."
Criança, Cultura Infantil, Pesquisa Socioantropológica, Child, Children's Culture, Socioanthropological Search
BRANDÃO, Carlos Rodrigues. Olhar o mundo e ver a criança: ideias e imagens sobre ciclos de vida e círculos de cultura. Crítica educativa, v. 1, n. 1, p. 108-132, 2015. Disponível em: https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/92395238/174-libre.pdf?1665683768=&response-content-disposition=inline%3B+filename%3DOlhar_o_mundo_e_ver_a_crianca_ideias_e_i.pdf&Expires=1736534674&Signature=Zqr7ICizJqzHneDgIte5kCh5L978GEJvwXmBUXWV08HI1L~mqJ07TQbUtk-7n~TUZvNn4K5jVO9oCjwyTsRy1ORZY8OSekRdtfhLKQwG3rrIA~-mA7gDFGnj-yTlkBEfvEmNtD-BA1KSTjZXeU2aQDiyNcNubw1O0461F7eHkUTTimsRIcPG6z-OL3RxrxM~0vDlmEYOqpisgm5QThrzRx0O7aa2v2g3I53hEH~MYvwpKiCmyiyC~xb7O9h7PNfQGKex-mfV8Jmu8~SXeyj~Jov45sq6qFO6qx4JYMeVQcdvTNqKSWbCR~Oi5wKV-VLtD-575wcupBSHVPAPXcEMyg__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA . Acesso em: 10 de jan. de 2025.