José Beltrán LlavadorPaulo Freire2025-03-142021Beltrán Llavador, José (Ed.) (2021). Paulo Freire en Valencia. Conferencia del día 30 de marzo de 1995. Disponível em: from the work itself: "The book gathers the transcription of the lecture that Paulo Freire gave at the Conference "The strategic importance of adult education in the Valencian Community", held at the historical headquarters of the Menéndez Pelayo International University (UIMP) in Valencia on March 30 and 31, 1995, within the framework of the approval of the Valencian Law on Adult Education. Taking advantage of the coincidence of two very close anniversaries - the 25th anniversary of his visit to the Valencian Community and the centenary of his birth on September 19, 2021 in Recife (Brazil) - the content of this conference is now recovered for the first time."esPaulo Freire em Valência. Conferência do dia 30 de março de 1995.Book